Areas for phonics assessment





Literacy Hub


(c) Commonwealth of Australia


Literacy specialist Elaine Stanley presents this overview of the areas of assessment in a systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) approach.

View the transcript. | View the slide outlines.

Resources mentioned in the video

Overview of assessment for phonics knowledge and skills [0.33]

Quick Phonological Awareness Screening (QPAS) [6.20]

Letter name and letter sound assessment [6.29]

Year 1 Phonics Check [6.38]

DIBELS 8th Edition: Australasian Version Materials [6.54]

Who is this video for?

Foundation to year 2 teachers; school leaders

What will you learn?

What needs to be assessed within the areas of phonics assessment (phonological and phonemic awareness, letter-sound correspondence, decoding and encoding, and fluency) for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2, and what the Australian Curriculum descriptors related to these areas are.


Elaine Stanley is an experienced teacher, school leader and literacy coach. She has had extensive experience implementing systematic synthetic phonics in primary school classrooms, and has recently coached disadvantaged schools around Australia.

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