Introduction to SSP - Module 1: the research base of structured literacy

Introduction to SSP - Module 1: the research base of structured literacy Image





Literacy Hub


© Commonwealth of Australia


In the first module in this series about systematic synthetic phonics (SSP), Jocelyn Seamer, an expert in systematic reading instruction, discusses the research base of structured literacy. 

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Who is this video for?

Foundation to Year 2 teachers; school leaders.

What will you learn?

The key evidence base that supports the Science of Reading, including the US National Reading Panel, the Australian National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy and the Independent Review of the Teaching of Early Reading (the Rose Report).

An overview of Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory and Stanislas Dehaene’s Four Pillars of Learning Framework.


Jocelyn Seamer is a teacher, tutor and school leader with extensive first-hand experience of evidence-informed practice in reading instruction. She leads educators to grow and develop school policy and practice to reflect the principles of the Science of Reading and Learning. She is the author of Reading success in the early primary years (2022); and produces 'The structured literacy podcast'. 

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