Year 1 Phonics Check: Responding to group analysis findings





Literacy Hub


(c) Commonwealth of Australia


This video shows how to interpret data from the Year 1 Phonics Check’s group reports, and respond to student needs using the tiers of intervention model.  

View the transcript. | View the slide outlines.

Resources mentioned in the video

Letter name and letter sound assessment [3:33]

Quick Phonological Awareness Screening (QPAS) [3:37]

Phonics professional learning: Fluency and progress monitoring [4:27]

Phonological and phonemic awareness lesson activities [5:01]

Phonemic awareness overview [5:06]

Phonics professional learning: Explicit instruction for phonics – an instructional model [6:40]

Spelling generalisations, syllable division and morphology [7:48 and 8:10]

Phonics professional learning: Spelling generalisations and SSP [7:56]

Literacy Hub phonics progression [8:10]

Phonics instructional model for reading and spelling [8:10]

Decodable words and sentences [8:10]

Phonics professional learning: Implementing a systematic synthetic phonics approach [8:10]

Who is this video for?

Foundation to Year 2 teachers; school leaders

What will you learn?

How to use your analysis of a group report to identify and respond to the groups’ strengths and areas of instructional need.

Related content

Year 1 Phonics Check 

Access the Year 1 Phonics Check platform.  

Year 1 Phonics Check professional learning

The Literacy Hub provides free, online professional learning to support schools through using the Year 1 Phonics Check.

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