Fluency at the word level level slide outlines
1. Fluency at word level
Extract from a Literacy Hub professional learning webinar.
2. Supporting fluency development – word level
LSC [letter–sound correspondences] + blending/segmenting = word-level reading and spelling.
3. Word fluency
Explicit direct instruction [Image: screenshots of two sample resources for the ‘I do’ and ‘We do’ parts of a lesson, showing an ‘I do’ slide, with the word ‘map’, and a ‘We do’ slide, with the word ‘mat’. Three dots and an arrow from left to right underneath each of the words represents how students will blend the known phonemes to say the word.]
Daily review [Image: Screenshot of three sample resources for the Daily review section of a Literacy Hub phonics lesson. Introductory text on each of the slides says: Say these sounds with me. What’s the word? Your turn. Say the sounds. What word? The words on the slides are ‘pip’, ‘net’ and ‘sit’, and three dots and an arrow from left to right underneath each of the words represents how students will blend the known phonemes to say the word.]
Independent practice [Image: Screenshots of three sample resources for fluency development for the Independent practice section of a Literacy Hub phonics lesson. The first resource shows three columns: Blend it, Read it and Write it. The words featured are ‘sat’, ‘pin’, ‘tap’ and ‘nip’. The Blend it column shows an arrow joining the first two letters of the word and then a dot under the third letter suggesting an additive blending strategy be used. The Read it column has a straight arrow under each word pointing from left to right. The Write it column features empty spaces for the student to write the word. The second resource shows four columns of four three-letter words for the students to decode (blending and segmenting). The third resource shows a word ring, with cut out word cards for decoding bound together on a ring for student practice. The words ‘sit’ and ‘sat’ are visible.]
4. Independent practice
[Image: Screenshots of three sample resources for fluency development for the Independent practice section of a Literacy Hub phonics lesson. The first resource shows three columns: Blend it, Read it and Write it. The words featured are ‘sat’, ‘pin’, ‘tap’ and ‘nip’. The Blend it column shows an arrow joining the first two letters of the word and then a dot under the third letter suggesting an additive blending strategy be used. The Read it column has a straight arrow under each word pointing from left to right. The Write it column features empty spaces for the student to write the word. The second resource shows four columns of four three-letter words for the students to decode (blending and segmenting). The third resource shows a word ring, with cut out word cards for decoding bound together on a ring for student practice. The words ‘sit’ and ‘sat’ are visible.]