Morphology demonstration: Adding un- prefix slide outlines

1. Morphology demonstration – Adding un- prefix

Extract from a Literacy Hub professional learning webinar.

2. Literacy Hub phonics progression Phase 11

[Image: Two screenshots side by side with an arrow connecting the two.

The first screenshot shows Phase 11 of the Literacy Hub phonics progression: Phonic knowledge and word recognition level 5/6. The table shows four columns within the phase.

The first column is labelled Letter–sound correspondences, and the text below reads: ai, ay; ee; oa, ow*; igh. Text below this column explains that the asterisk denotes more than one sound.

The second column is labelled Letter–sound skills, and the text below says: Read and spell one- and two-syllable words using new and known letter–sound correspondences. Phase 11 example words: snail, play, speech, gumtree, float, snow, midnight.

The third column is labelled Morphology and the content beneath this label is circled red, indicating this is the focus of this slide. The content reads: Suffix -ed (past tense verb).

The fourth column is labelled Irregular words, and the words listed are: their, all, does, goes.]

3. Literacy Hub phonics progression Phase 15

[Image: Screenshot shows Phase 15 of the Literacy Hub phonics progression: Phonic knowledge and word recognition level 6/7. The table shows four columns within the phase.

The first column is labelled Letter–sound correspondences, and the text below reads: or; ar; er, ir, ur.

The second column is labelled Letter–sound skills, and the text below says: Read and spell CCVCC, CCCVC, CCCVCC words using new and known letter–sound correspondences. Phase 15 example words: storm, thorn, forbid, scarf, arch, stern, permit, squirm, birthday, burst, burden.

The third column is labelled Morphology and the content beneath this label is circled red, indicating this is the focus of this slide. The content reads: Prefix un- meaning ‘not’.

The fourth column is labelled Irregular words, and the words listed are: last, after, says, laugh.]

4. Morphology lesson slides un- prefix

[Image: Screenshot shows 16 slides from the Literacy Hub’s Morphology sample lesson for teaching the un- prefix.]

5. I do…

I do…


When we add an un- prefix to a word, we change the meaning of the word to mean ‘not’ or ‘opposite of’.

[Image: To the left is the word ‘happy’, and a graphic of a smiley face below the word. To the right of this, a blue arrow then points to the word ‘unhappy’ with the un- prefix in ‘unhappy’ circled red, and under the word sits a graphic of a sad face; text below the graphic reads: ‘not happy’.]

6. I do…

I do…

[Image: To the left is the prefix un- on a green background. To the right are three example words to use with students to add the prefix un-. The words are: do, well, bend.]

7. We do…

We do…

[Image: Simple table shows two rows: ‘Base word’ and ‘Base word with prefix added’. Three columns to the right of the ‘Base word’ row header feature the words zip, load and block. The three columns to the right of the ‘Base word with prefix added’ row header are empty, awaiting student input.]

8. We do…

We do…

[Image: Simple table shows two rows: ‘Dictated sentence’ and ‘My own sentence’. Two columns to the right of the table headers are empty, awaiting student input.]

9. Prefix un-

[Image: un- prefix on a green background.]

10. Morphology review slides

[Image: First review slide shown for the Morphology lesson simply shows the prefix un- on a green background. Second review slide shows the prefix un- on a green background and three words: do, well and fit.]